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NOMATEN is back with the seminars! On September 14th at 1PM Mr Tomasz Dudziak PhD Dsc Eng. will give a presentation on High temperature corrosion and materials coatings.

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NOMATEN released new paper within the journal Materials Science and Engineering: A - "Nanoindentation of single crystalline Mo: Atomistic defect nucleation and thermomechanical stability". The authors team consist of Javier Dominguez PhD, Stefanos Papanikolaou PhD (Research Goup Leader - Materials informatics Structure and Function), Amin Esfandiarpour PhD, prof. Paweł Sobkowicz PhD DSc (Director for Scientific Operations) and prof. Mikko Alava PhD (NOMATEN CoE Director and Research Group Leader - Complexity in Materials).


NOMATEN new hires

NOMATEN plans to develop in-house functional programs and applications. We will build a software platform to facilitate data-driven methods of analyzing and predicting materials properties. Therefore, we are looking for:
- Application Developer
- Expert on artificial intelligence and machine learning to use and combine existing code, functional programs and applications, using Python, Numba and Tensorflow or Keras libraries

Scientific paper

In two years, since August 2019, NOMATEN's scientists published 16 papers within the most prestigious perdiodic. It means more than one paper per two months, however, a year ago on August 2020 our team consisted of less than 10 researchers. Today over 25 scientists work for NOMATEN and new hires are being planned till the end of 2021.

Materials Informatics software

Large Data is common across materials science. Cross-correlating and understanding data from material surfaces is very important since there is typically a direct connection to physical properties. Also, it is very important to use this data to reconstruct the actual microstructure and perform simulations in a computer at the molecular or larger scale. However, understanding of Large Data requires the application of statistical and machine learning techniques. Further, simulations require efficient microstructural reconstruction techniques. Stefanos Papanikolaou's group at NOMATEN investigates such issues.

Metallic glass elements (Credits: Björn Gojdka, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

The NOMATEN group of scien­ti­sts is looking for con­fi­gu­ra­tio­nal entropy and glass trans­i­tion rela­tion­ships in high-entropy alloys (HEA) using dyna­mic simu­la­tions at the mole­cu­lar level. Dr. Rene Alva­rez-Donado pre­sen­ted some of his team’s results in Janu­ary at the web con­fe­rence „Recent advan­ces on the glass pro­blem” orga­ni­zed by the Cen­ter Euro­péen de Cal­cul Ato­mi­que et Molécu­la­ire (CECAM).


NOMATEN seminar by CEA on June 15th at 1.00PM: Possible applications of Additive Manufacturing (AM, and, principally, Laser Additive Manufacturing, LAM) and the potentialities of High Entropy Alloys in the nuclear field ☢️

Dr. Chang Liu from the Department of Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, will be our guest at the next NOMATEN's seminar.



Mr Maciej Bik, a promising young researcher from AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, will be a speaker in our next online seminar. 
