Witold Chromiński PhD joins NOMATEN
Witold Chromiński received his PhD at Faculty of Materials Science Warsaw University of Technology. His main areas of interests are plastic deformation mechanisms in metals and precipitation phenomena in aluminum alloys, especially Al-Mg-Si.
Despite early stage of his scientific career he has led two projects concerning microstructural evolution in metals subjected to extremely high strain and relations between deformation induced structures and nucleation of strengthening phases in aluminum alloys.
Main characterization tools used by Witold are advanced electron microscopy techniques like EBSD and TEM. During work at Warsaw University of Technology has also gained experience in characterization of almost all most important metals and alloys for structural applications devoted for structural components of nuclear power plants as well as tungsten for application in future fusion reactors.
He has a wide experience in investigating radiation defects and their impact on structural properties of materials. Witold published over 30 international papers, and was involved into 8 national and international projects.