Foreword from TEAMING Coordinator
The three partners – NCBJ, CEA and VTT – have applied to the H2020 TEAMING call. The first phase of the Teaming project made it possible to specify the scope of cooperation, define general future research directions and identify areas of cooperation that create a real opportunity for the new Centre to join priority research directions in Europe, taking into account Polish national smart specializations and the specificity of Polish industry.
The successful application in Phase 2 of the resulted in Grant Agreement No 857470, covering the funding of nearly 15 million Euro, devoted to provide substantial, long-term (7 year) support for the start-up and implementation phase of the future Centre. This will cover mainly administrative and operational costs as well as personnel costs of the future Centre of Excellence. The Teaming Grant Agreement has been signed on June 14, 2019, and the project has started on November 1st, 2019.
NOMATEN Teaming Phase 2 project brings an essential support to the organization and early phase operation of the newly created Centre of Excellence, develop its operational procedures, helps to establish working contacts between strategic partners of the project and supports operation and administrative costs. The main objectives of the Teaming project are reached accordingly to the project schedule.
The funding obtained under the Teaming project made it possible to finance the salaries of CoE's operational and administrative staff. Another very important factor influencing the creation of the Center of Excellence is the fact that the Teaming project is now the main platform of contacts between the project partners enabling the exchange of opinions, continuation of previously established contacts and preparation of action plans for the near future.
Prof. Jacek Jagielski
H2020 TEAMING Coordinator