Accessibility declaration
Accessibility Declaration of the website
The National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. This declaration on digital accessibility applies to
The website is partially compliant with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The reasons for incomplete compliance include:
- Some illustrations do not have alternative texts, which will be gradually supplemented.
- Some content created before the date of entry into force of the Act may not maintain the correct heading hierarchy.
The declaration was prepared on 2021-03-15. The declaration was prepared on the basis of a self-assessment conducted by the public entity.
The user can navigate the site using the Tab key (Windows - Tab key; Mac - Tab + Option key): pressing Tab means going to the next elements of the page;
pressing Shift + Tab means going back through elements;
pressing Enter when the active element is a web link usually means opening a subpage.On the website, you can use standard keyboard shortcuts (for Windows: CTRL, for Mac: Command):
- CTRL + a - select all,
- CTRL + w - close the page,
- CTRL + p - print the page,
- CTRL + d - add the displayed page to your favorite bookmarks,
- CTRL + f - search for a phrase on the page.
Dedicated keyboard shortcuts have been added to the site. Disabling shortcuts is provided by the "disable" button, while enabling them is provided by the "enable" button. By default, shortcuts are enabled. The enable and disable buttons are located at the bottom of the page. Below is a list of shortcuts (for Windows, add the left Alt key before the shortcut, i.e. Alt + shortcut, for Mac, add the Option button, i.e. Option+shortcut):
- a – go to the Accessibility Declaration,
- c – toggle contrast,
- f – increase/decrease font size,
- n – go to the NCBJ home page,
- s – go to the search engine window on the page.
We use legibly described forms.
We take care of the appropriate text and background contrast, so that the information is also legible for people with poor eyesight. In the scroll bar on the right side of the screen (or at the bottom of the page), we have provided a button to increase the page contrast and a button to enlarge the font on the page.
Website publication date:
Last significant update date:
Feedback and contact details
In case of problems with the accessibility of the website, please contact:
Complaints can also be sent to the Commissioner for Human Rights.
Architectural accessibility
The National Centre for Nuclear Research has three locations. Currently, the vast majority of buildings do not provide access for people with disabilities.
NCBJ headquarters
ul. Andrzeja Sołtana 7, 05-400 Otwock-Świerk
52°07'27.6"N 21°20'19.3"E
52.124327, 21.338690
The Świerk Nuclear Complex is located approximately 30 km southeast of Warsaw (approx. 5 km east of Otwock). It covers an area of 44 ha – fenced, guarded and equipped with dedicated technical infrastructure – including three electricity supply lines and its own water intake. The Nuclear Complex is home to most of the NCBJ research facilities and administration, and also houses the Radioactive Waste Disposal Plant.
NCBJ Branch in Warsaw
ul. Pasteura 7, 02-093 Warsaw
52°12'41.9"N 20°58'59.4"E
52.211642, 20.983154
The Warsaw branch of the National Center for Nuclear Research is located at ul. Pasteura 7. It occupies part of a building together with the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw. The branch houses departments of the Department of Fundamental Research of the NCBJ: Department of Nuclear Physics, Department of Theoretical Physics, Department of High Energy Physics and Department of Astrophysics.