NOMATEN is looking for postdoc researchers
Postdoc job positions in advanced multifunctional materials science are available at NOMATEN.
Our ambition is to build a team composed of world-leading researchers and young, highly motivated people who are passionate about multifunctional materials science.
More information on this particular recruitment:
Deadline: December 14th
Applications electronic form in English should be submitted
The National Centre for Nuclear Research is awarded by “HR Excellence in Research”. Recruitment in NOMATEN is based on OTM-R system (Open, Transparent and Merit-based recruitment practices in Research Performing Organisations).Candidates may be asked to provide additional documents. In the selection process, short-listed candidates will be interviewed in person or remotely.
Position expected to start on: March 1th, 2021
Multiple positions exist on the postdoctoral levels in all NOMATEN Research Groupsconducting research in the field of:
- Functional Materials Complexity: mechanical properties (yielding, time-dependent fracture) to the role and understanding of the microstructure in determining such properties. We also work on Machine Learning approaches in complex materials. Key words of importance are metal alloys, and High-Entropy Alloys in particular.
Preferred background:Statistical mechanics, computational simulations, machine learning.
Contact person: Stefanos Papanikolaou ( - Corrosion and Characterisation:in-situ study of phenomena between surface of functional materials and environment, including but not limited to aqueous solutions. Key challenges are: elevated temperature, varying temperature duty cycles, radiation and magnetic fields. The research methodology combines electrochemistry, high resolution microscopy, mass spectrometry and ion beam analysis of surface.
Preferred background:Experimental experience in chemical/materials engineering or physics.
Contact person: Mikko Alava ( - Structure and Function:The Functional Properties group is studying impact of radiation damage on the mechanical and structural properties. Specific topics covering materials devoted to Gen. III+ and IV nuclear reactors like: stainless steels, ODS and HEAs, Al2O3 coatings, zirconium and nickel alloys will be proposed. Experiments will be conducted on ion damaged materials and at their working temperatures by using specific techniques like: nanoindentation, X-ray diffraction, tensile tests and Raman spectroscopy. Structural properties are determined by means of SEM/FIB/EBSD/EDS and TEM.
Preferred background: Materials science, materials engineering, nuclear engineering, mechanics.
Contact person: Lukasz Kurpaska ( - Materials Informatics and Characterization:Emulating the behaviour and performance of materials in mechanical loading applications, through the use of multiscale material simulations, machine learning methods and material characterization techniques. Methods of interest: Ab-Initio Density Functional Theory (DFT), Molecular Dynamics (MD), Discrete Dislocation Dynamics (DDD), and Continuum phenomenological Plasticity and Damage (CPD) modeling.
Preferred background: Multiscale modeling, mechanical characterization, applied physics/math.
Contact person: Stefanos Papanikolaou (