Biography: Professor Jacek Jagielski
Professor Jacek Jagielski - Coordinator of CoE NOMATEN TEAMING
Professor Jacek Jagielski studied at the Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics at the Warsaw University of Technology. In 1991, he received a PhD title from the Institute for Nuclear Problems. In 1997, he obtained the title of doctor habilitatus (D.Sc.) in physical sciences, and in 2007, the title of professor granted by the President of the Republic of Poland.
In his works, he mainly dealt with the use of ion beams to modify and analyze material properties. He studied the mechanical properties of metals, the modification of polymers and ceramics using ion beams, and the issues and accumulation of radiation defects in materials. He combined theoretical topics, such as modelling defect transformations, with practical work, e.g., constructing three implanters or constructing elements of the Neutral Beam Injector for the W7X stellarator. His long-lasting research activities are related to the modification of materials using ion beams, material analysis, the development of the damage accumulation model (MSDA), and Monte Carlo simulations for the quantitative analysis of defects in materials.
Professor Jagielski has worked in many centres abroad, mainly in France (CSNSM Orsay, IPN Lyon, CEA Saclay and Cadarache, Univ. Evry), the USA (PNNL Richland), Slovenia (JSI Ljubljana), Austria (AMTT Seibersdorf) and South Africa (CHRTEM Port Elizabeth). He published over 290 papers cited more than 4900 times. His Hirsch index is 32 (Scopus) or 36 (Scholar). He is a co-author of eleven patents and patent applications. He was director of four doctoral dissertations, one of which was carried out in a co-tutelle system with CEA/Univ. Aix Marseille, France, coordinated three European projects and was involved in six more. He lead numerous research grants, including multinational cooperations such as NATO Science for Peace, Coordinated Research Project by International Atomic Energy Agency, Open Access project granted by Batelle in EMSL/PNNL Richland, WA USA and numerous bilateral projects with various countries. In 2018, the CoE NOMATEN project was coordinated by Prof. Jagielski was approved by the European Commission as Teaming for Excellence action. This seven-year-long project is focused on the creation of a new Centre of Excellence in Poland, its strategic partners are CEA France and VTT Finland.
Professor Jagielski currently holds the position of the director of the Materials Physics Department at the National Center for Nuclear Research in Świerk is also a member of the Scientific Council of the NCBJ. He is an elected member of the Boehmische Physical Society (Los Alamos, USA) and an elected member of the International Scientific Committees of two international conferences: Ion Beam Analysis and Ion Implantation and Other Applications of Ions and Electrons. He serves as a referee in numerous scientific journals, e.g. Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Surface Coatings and Technology, Journal of Nuclear Materials etc. Professor Jagielski is also an expert of the French EMIR network of accelerators and an expert of HCERES, a French organization responsible for evaluating scientific institutions. Awarded with the Meritorious Medal for Mazovia, he holds the title of an Officer of the French Order of Academic Palms.