Papers published by NOMATEN's Team Members (NOMATEN repository)
No. | Authors | Title | Journal | Reference | Supplementary materials | Date (YYYY/MM) |
1 | A. Azarov, A. Kuznetsov | Energetics, migration and trapping of Zn interstitials in ZnO | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52, 485103 | original version: open access version: | 2019/08 | |
2 | A. Azarov, A. Galeckas, C. Mieszczyński, A. Hallén, A. Kuznetsov | Effects of annealing on photoluminescence and defect interplay in ZnO bombarded with heavy ions: crucial role of the ion dose | Journal of Applied Physics 127, 08 January 2020, 025701 | original version: open access version: | 2020/01 | |
3 | A. Zaborowska, Ł. Kurpaska, E. Wyszkowska, M. Clozel, M. Vanazzi, F. Di Fonzo, M. Turek, I. Joźwik, A. Kosińska, J. Jagielski | Influence of ion irradiation on the nanomechanical properties of thin alumina coatings deposited on 316L SS by PLD | Surface & Coatings Technology, Volume 386, 25 March 2020, 125491 | original version: open access version: | | 2020/03 |
4 | A. Kosińska, J. Jagielski, M. Wilczopolska, D. M. Bieliński, I. Jóźwik, Ł. Kurpaska. K. Nowakowska-Langier | Study of the electrical properties of ion irradiated polymer materials | Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 38825, April 2020, 125562 | original version: open access version: | | 2020/04 |
5 | C. Mieszczynski, R. Ratajczak, J. Jagielski, G. Velişa, H. Bei, B. C. Sales, E. Wendler, W .J. Weber, Y. Zhang | Defect evolution in Ni and solid-solution alloys of NiFe and NiFeCoCr under ion irradiation at 16 and 300 K | Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 534, June 2020, 152138 | original version: open access version: | | 2020/06 |
6 | T. Mäkinen, J. Koivisto, E. Pääkkönen, J.A. Ketoja, M.J. Alava | Crossover from mean-field compression to collective phenomena in low-density foam-formed fiber material | Soft Matter, 16, 29, p. 6819-6825 (2020) | original version (open access): open access version: | 2020/06 | |
7 | H. Salmenjoki, A. Lehtinen, L. Laurson, M. Alava | Plastic yielding and deformation bursts in the presence of disorder from coherent precipitates | Physical Review Materials, 4, 083602 (2020) | original version: open access version: | 2020/07 | |
8 | T. Mäkinen, J. Koivisto, L. Laurson, M. Alava | Scale-free features of temporal localization of deformation in late stages of creep failure | Physical Review Materials 4, 18 September 2020, 093606 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2020/09 | |
9 | T. Mäkinen, P. Karppinen, M. Ovaska, L. Laurson, M.J. Alava | Propagating bands of plastic deformation in a metal alloy as critical avalanches | Science Advances Volume 6, no. 41, 07 October 2020, eabc 7350 | original version (open access): open access version: |
| 2020/10 |
10 | H. Salmenjoki, L. Laurson, M. Alava | Probing the transition from dislocation jamming to pinning by machine learning | Materials Theory Volume 4, Article number: 5, 09 October 2020 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2020/10 | |
11 | F. J. Dominguez-Gutierrez, J. Byggmästar, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, U. von Toussaint | Computational study of crystal defects formation in Mo by machine learned molecular dynamics simulations | Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 29 055001 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2021/04 | |
12 | M. Alava | Crossover of Failure Time Distributions in a Model of Time-Dependent Fracture | Frontiers in Physics, Volume 9, 2021 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2021/06 | |
13 | M. Kalinowska, E. Gołębiewska, L. Mazur, H. Lewandowska, M. Pruszyński, G. Świderski, M. Wyrwas, N. Pawluczuk, W. Lewandowski | Crystal structure, spectroscopic characterization, antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of new Mg(II) and Mn(II)/Na(I) complexes of isoferulic acid | Materials 2021, 14, 3236 | original version (open access): open access version: |
| 2021/07 |
14 | F. J. Dominguez, S. Papanikolaou, A. Esfandiarpour, P. Sobkowicz, M. Alava | Nanoindentation of single crystaline Mo: Atomistic defect nucleation and hermomechanical stability | Materials Science & Engineering A, 826 (2021) | original version (open access): open access version: | available at: | 2021/08 |
15 | Rong-Guang Xu, Hengxu Song, Yongsheng Leng, Stefanos Papanikolaou | A Molecular Dynamics Simulations Study of the Influence of Prestrain on the Pop-In Behavior and Indentation Size Effect in Cu Single Crystals | Materials 2021, 14, 5220 | original version (open access): original version: | 2021/10 | |
16 | Karol Frydrych, Kamran Karimi, Michał Pecelerowicz, Rene Alvarez, F. J. Dominguez - Gutierrez, Fabrizio Rovaris, Stefanos Papanikolaou | Materials Informatics for Mechanical Deformation: A Review of Applications and Challenges | Materials 2021, 14, 5764 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2021/10 | |
17 | Monika Kalinowska, Hanna Lewandowska, Marek Pruszyński, Grzegorz Świderski, Ewelina Gołębiewska, Kamila Gryko, Julia Braun, Monika Borkowska, Magda Konieczna, Włodzimierz Lewandowski | Co(II) Complex of Quercetin–Spectral, Anti‐/Pro‐Oxidant and Cytotoxic Activity in HaCaT Cell Lines | Applied Sciences 2021, 11(19) | original version (open access): open access version: | 2021/10 | |
18 | Valery Radchenko, Alfred Morgenstern, Amir R. Jalilian, Caterina F. Ramogida, Cathy Cutler, Charlotte Duchemin, Cornelia Hoehr, Ferrid Haddad, Frank Bruchertseifer, Haavar Gausemel, Hua Yang, Joao Alberto Osso, Kohshin Washiyama, Kenneth Czerwinski, Kirsten Leufgen, Marek Pruszyński, Olga Valzdorf, Patrick Causey, Paul Schaffer, Randy Perron, Samsonov Maxim, D. Scott Wilbur, Thierry Stora, Yawen Li | Production and Supply of a-Particle–Emitting Radionuclides ½AQ1 for Targeted a-Therapy | The Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 62 No. 11 November 2021 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2021/11 | |
19 | Rofiques Salehin, Rong-Guang Xu, Stefanos Papanikolaou | Colloidal Shear-Thickening Fluids Using Variable Functional Star-Shaped Particles: A Molecular Dynamics Study | Materials 2021, 14(22), 6867 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2021/11 | |
20 | Ivan V. Lomakin, Tero Mäkinen, Kim Widell, Juha Savolainen, Sebastian Coffeng, Juha Koivisto, and Mikko J. Alava | Fatigue crack growth in an aluminum alloy: Avalanches and coarse graining to growth laws | Phys. Rev. Research 3, L042029 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2021/11 | |
21 | F. J. Dominguez - Gutierrez | Temperature effects on the point defects formation in [111] W by neutron induced collision cascade | Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B | original version: open access version: | 2021/12 | |
22 | A. Zaborowska, L. Kurpaska, M. Clozel, E.J. Olivier, J.H. O’Connell, M. Vanazzi, F. Di Fonzo, A. Azarov, I. Jóźwik, M. Frelek-Kozak, R.Diduszko, J.H. Neethling, J. Jagielski | Absolute radiation tolerance of amorphous alumina coatings at room temperature | Ceramics International 47 (2021) 34740 | original version: open access version: | | 2021/12 |
23 | Maciej Zielinski, Wojciech Juszczyk, Zbigniew Kaszkur | Studies of adsorption of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds on heterogeneous Au/CeO2, Au/TiO2 and Au/SiO2 catalysts during reduction by hydrogen | RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 5312 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2022/01 | |
24 | Kamran Karimi, Amin Esfandiarpour, René Alvarez-Donado, Mikko J. Alava, and Stefanos Papanikolaou | Shear banding instability in multicomponent metallic glasses: Interplay of composition and short-range order | Phys. Rev. B 105, 094117 | original version: open access version: | | |
25 | A. Esfandiarpour, J. Byggmastar, J.P. Balbuena, M.J. Caturla, K. Nordlund, F. Granberg
| Effect of cascade overlap and C15 clusters on the damage evolution in Fe: An OKMC study | Materialia, Volume 21, 101344 | original version: open access version: | | 2022/03 |
26 | Daniele Lanzoni, Fabrizio Rovaris, Francesco Montalenti | Machine learning potential for interacting dislocations in the presence of free surfaces | Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 3760 (2022) | original version (open access): open access version:
| 2022/03 | |
27 | Tero Makinen, Markus Ovaska, Lasse Laurson, Mikko J. Alava | Portevin-Le Chatelier effect: modeling the deformation bands and stress-strain curves | Materials Theory volume 6, 15 | original version (open access): open access version: | available at: | 2022/04 |
28 | T. Hochrainer, L. Laurson, S. Papanikolaou, G. Po, R. Sills | Characterization of Dislocation Ensembles: Measures and Complexity | Materials Theory 6, 16
| original version (open access): open access version: | 2022/04 | |
29 | A. Esfandiarpour, S. Papanikolaou, M. Alava | Edge dislocations in multicomponent solid solution alloys: Beyond traditional elastic depinning | Physical Review Research 4, L022043 (2022) | original version (open access): open access version: |
| 2022/05 |
30 | Juha Savolainen, Lasse Laurson, and Mikko Alava | Effect of thresholding on avalanches and their clustering for interfaces with long-range elasticity | Phys. Rev. E 105, 054152 | original version: open access version: | 2022/05 | |
31 | Ł. Kurpaska, F.J. Dominguez-Gutierrez, Y. Zhang, K. Mulewska, H. Bei, W.J. Weber, A. Kosińska, W. Chromiński, I. Jóźwik, R. Alvarez-Donado, S. Papanikolaou, J. Jagielski, M. Alava
| Effects of Fe atoms on hardening of a nickel matrix: Nanoindentation experiments and atom-scale numerical modeling | Materials & Design, vol. 217, 110639 | original version (open access): open access version: | available at: | 2022/05 |
32 | Fabrizio Rovaris, Stefanos Papanikolaou, Mikko Alava | Effects of surface curvature and dislocation dynamics: Dynamical deformation mechanisms for uniaxial compression tests at the nanoscale | Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 846, 143270 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2022/06 | |
33 | Karol Frydrych, Stefanos Papanikolaou | Unambiguous Identification of Crystal Plasticity Parameters from Spherical Indentation | Crystals 2022, 12(10), 1341 | original version (open access): open access version:
| | 2022/09 |
34 | P.S. Krstic, E.T. Ostrowski, F.J. Dominguez-Gutierrez, S. Abe, B.E. Koel | Sputtering and reflection processes from amorphous lithium surfaces by low-energy impacts of H and D atoms and D2 molecules | Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 568, 153848 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2022/09 | |
35 | Tero Mäkinen, Agata Zaborowska, Małgorzata Frelek-Kozak, Iwona Jóźwik, Łukasz Kurpaska, Stefanos Papanikolaou, and Mikko J. Alava | Detection of the onset of yielding and creep failure from digital image correlation | Phys. Rev. Materials 6, 103601
| original version: open access version: | 2022/10 | |
36 | Francisco J. Domínguez-Gutiérrez, Aneta Ustrzycka, Qinqin Xu, Rene Alvarez-Donado, Stefanos Papanikolaou and Mikko Alava | Dislocation nucleation mechanisms during nanoindentation of concentrated FeNiCr alloys:Unveiling the effects of Cr through molecular simulations | Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. | original version (open access): open access version: | 2022/10 | |
37 | M.Frelek-Kozak, Ł.Kurpaska, K.Mulewska, M.Zieliński, R.Diduszko, A.Kosińska, D.Kalita, W.Chromiński, M.Turek, K.Kaszyca, A.Zaborowska, J.Jagielski | Mechanical behavior of ion-irradiated ODS RAF steels strengthened with different types of refractory oxides | Applied Surface Science Volume 610, 1 February 2023, 155465 | original version: open access version (arxiv):
| | 2023/02 |
38 | Monika Kalinowska, Kamila Gryko, Ewelina Gołębiewska, Grzegorz Świderski, Hanna Lewandowska, Marek Pruszyński, Małgorzata Zawadzka, Maciej Kozłowski, Justyna Sienkiewicz-Gromiuk and Włodzimierz Lewandowski | Fe(III) and Cu(II) Complexes of Chlorogenic Acid: Spectroscopic, Thermal, Anti-/Pro-Oxidant, and Cytotoxic Studies | Materials 2022, 15(19), 6832 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2022/10 | |
39 | Michael Zaiser, Seyyed Ahmad Hosseini, Paolo Moretti, Tero Mäkinen, Juha Koivisto, Mahshid Pournajar, Marcus Himmler, Michael Redel, Dirk W. Schubert, and Mikko J. Alava | Hierarchical Slice Patterns Inhibit Crack Propagation in Brittle Sheets | Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 044035 | original version: open access version: | 2022/10 | |
40 | G.W.Strzelecki, K.Nowakowska-Langier, K.Mulewska, M.Zieliński, A.Kosińska, S.Okrasa, M.Wilczopolska, R.Chodun, B.Wicher, R.Mirowski, K.Zdunek | Multi-component low and high entropy metallic coatings synthesized by pulsed magnetron sputtering | Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 446, 128802 | original version: open access version (arxiv): | 2022/9 | |
41 | Amin Esfandiarpour, Rene Alvarez-Donado, Stefanos Papanikolaou and Mikko Alava | Atomistic simulations of dislocation plasticity in concentrated VCoNi medium entropy alloys: Effects of lattice distortion and short range order | Front. Mater., 18 November 2022 Sec. Mechanics of Materials Volume 9 - 2022 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2022/11 | |
42 | Anna Kosińska, Jacek Jagielski, Dariusz M. Bieliński, Olga Urbanek, Magdalena Wilczopolska, Małgorzata Frelek-Kozak, Agata Zaborowska, Edyta Wyszkowska, and Iwona Jóźwik | Structural and chemical changes in He+ bombarded polymers and related performance properties | Journal of Applied Physics 132, 074701 (2022) | original version: open access version: | | 2022/08 |
43 | Cyprian Mieszczynski, Lech Nowicki, Kazimierz Skrobas, Przemyslaw Jozwik and Jacek Jagielski | Edge dislocations in Ni monocrystalline structure studied by McChasy 2.0 Monte Carlo code | J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2326 012014 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2022 | |
44 | Rafał Psiuk, Tomasz Mościcki, Justyna Chrzanowska-Giżyńska, Łukasz Kurpaska, Joanna Radziejewska, Piotr Denis, Dariusz Garbiec, Marcin Chmielewski | Mechanical and Thermal Properties of W-Ta-B Coatings Deposited by High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS) | Materials 2023, 16(2), 664 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2023/01 | |
45 | A.Olejarz, W.Y.Huo, M.Zieliński, R.Diduszko, E.Wyszkowska, A.Kosińska, D.Kalita, I.Jóźwik, M.Chmielewski, F.Fang, Ł.Kurpaska | Microstructure and mechanical properties of mechanically-alloyed CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys using low ball-to-powder ratio | Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 938, 168196 | original version: open access version (arxiv) open access version: | | 2023/03 |
46 | Magdalena Gawęda, Piotr Jeleń, Maciej Bik, Magdalena Szumera, Zbigniew Olejniczak, Maciej Sitarz | Spectroscopic studies on phosphate-modified silicon oxycarbide-based amorphous materials | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy | original version: open access version (arxiv): | 2023/04 | |
47 | A. Kosinska, J. Jagielski, E. Wyszkowska, M. Clozel, L. Kurpaska, J. Zagorski, B. Staszkiewicz, K. Gniadek, D. Bielinski | Functional characteristics of ion-irradiated elastomers used as insulation materials: Comparison between mechanical and electrical properties | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 473, 2020, Pages 6-9 | original version: open access version: | 2020/04 | |
48 | Wenyi Huo, Shiqi Wang, Feng Fang, Shuyong Tan, Łukasz Kurpaska, Zonghan Xie, Hyoung Seop Kim, Jianqing Jiang | Microstructure and corrosion resistance of highly <111> oriented electrodeposited CoNiFe medium-entropy alloy films | Journal of Materials Research and Technology Volume 20, September–October 2022, Pages 1677-1684 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2022/07 | |
49 | M. Nowak, K. Mulewska, A. Azarov, Ł. Kurpaska, A. Ustrzycka | A peridynamic elasto-plastic damage model for ion-irradiated materials | International Journal of Mechanical Sciences Volume 237, 1 January 2023, 107806 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2022/09 | |
50 | F. Javier Domínguez-Gutiérrez, Amil Aligayev, Wenyi Huo, Muralidhar Chourashiya, Qinqin Xu, Stefanos Papanikolaou | Dynamical Pathways for the Interaction of O2, H2O, CH4, and CO2 with α-Alumina Surfaces: Density-Functional Tight-Binding Calculations | Phys. Status Solidi B 2200567. | original version: open access version: | 2023/03 | |
51 | K. Suchorab, M. Gawęda, L. Kurpaska | Comparison of Raman imaging assessment methods in phase determination and stress analysis of zirconium oxide layer | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Volume 295, 5 July 2023, 122625 | original version: open access version: | | 2023/03 |
52 | K. Mulewska, F. Rovaris, F.J. Dominguez-Gutierrez, W.Y. Huo, D. Kalita, I. Jozwik, S. Papanikolaou, M.J. Alava, L. Kurpaska, J. Jagielski | Self-ion irradiation effects on nanoindentation-induced plasticity of crystalline iron: A joint experimental and computational study | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Volume 539, June 2023, Pages 55-61 | original version: open access version: | | 2023/03 |
53 | Amir H. Naghdi, Kamran Karimi, Axel E. Poisvert, Amin Esfandiarpour, Rene Alvarez, Pawel Sobkowicz, Mikko Alava, and Stefanos Papanikolaou | Dislocation plasticity in equiatomic NiCoCr alloys: Effect of short-range order | Phys. Rev. B 107, 094109 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2023/03 | |
54 | K. Frydrych, F.J. Dominguez-Gutierrez, M.J. Alava, S. Papanikolaou | Multiscale nanoindentation modelling of concentrated solid solutions: A continuum plasticity model | Mechanics of Materials Volume 181, June 2023, 104644 | original version: open access version: | 2023/04 | |
55 | Magdalena Gawęda, Magdalena Wilczopolska, Kinga Suchorab, Małgorzata Frelek-Kozak, Łukasz Kurpaska, Jacek Jagielski | Surface and in-depth structural changes in nuclear graphite irradiated with noble gases described with Raman imaging | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 538, May 2023, Pages 103-109 | original version: open access version: | | 2023/03 |
56 | A. Zaborowska, Ł. Kurpaska, E. Wyszkowska, A. Azarov, M. Turek, A. Kosińska, M. Frelek-Kozak, J. Jagielski | High versus low energy ion irradiation impact on functional properties of PLD-grown alumina coatings | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Volume 540, Pages 24-29 | original version: open access version: | | 2023/04 |
57 | F. J. Domínguez-Gutiérrez, P. Grigorev, A. Naghdi, J. Byggmästar, G. Y. Wei, T. D. Swinburne, S. Papanikolaou, and M. J. Alava | Nanoindentation of tungsten: From interatomic potentials to dislocation plasticity mechanisms | Phys. Rev. Materials 7, 043603 | original version: open access version: | 2023/04 | |
58 | Karol Frydrych | Modelling Irradiation Effects in Metallic Materials Using the Crystal Plasticity Theory—A Review | Crystals 2023, 13(5), 771 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2023/04 | |
59 | Kamran Karimi, Henri Salmenjoki, Katarzyna Mulewska, Lukasz Kurpaska, Anna Kosińska, Mikko J. Alava, Stefanos Papanikolaou | Prediction of steel nanohardness by using graph neural networks on surface polycrystallinity maps | Scripta Materialia Volume 234, 115559 | original version: open access version: | 2023/09 | |
60 | Wenyi Huo, Shiqi Wang, F. Javier Dominguez-Gutierrez, Kai Ren, Łukasz Kurpaska, Feng Fang,Stefanos Papanikolaou, Hyoung Seop Kim, and Jianqing Jiang | High-entropy materials for electrocatalytic applications: a review of first principles modeling and simulations | MATER. RES. LETT. 2023, VOL. 11, NO. 9, 713–732 | original version: open access version: | 2023/06 | |
61 | Kamran Karimi, Mikko J. Alava, and Stefanos Papanikolaou | Yielding in multicomponent metallic glasses: Universal signatures of elastic modulus heterogeneities | PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS 7, 063601 (2023) | original version (open access): open access version: | 2023/06 | |
62 | Shiqi Wang, Wenyi Huo, Hanchen Feng, Zonghan Xie, Jian Ku Shang, Eric V. Formo, Pedro H. C. Camargo, Feng Fang, Jianqing Jiang | Enhancing Oxygen Evolution Reaction Performance in Prussian Blue Analogues: Triple‐Play of Metal Exsolution, Hollow Interiors, And Anionic Regulation | Advanced Materials Volume35, Issue45 November 9, 2023 2304494 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2023/07 | |
63 | A. Sotniczuk, J.L. Gilbert, Y. Liu, M. Matczuk, W. Chromiński, D. Kalita, M. Pisarek, H. Garbacz | Corrosion resistance of β-phase titanium alloys under simulated inflammatory conditions: Exploring the relevance of biocompatible alloying elements | Corrosion Science, Volume 220, 1 August 2023, 111271 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2023/05 | |
64 | J. Jasiński, T. Stasiak, W. Chmurzyński, Ł. Kurpaska, M. Chmielewski, M. Frelek-Kozak, M. Wilczopolska, K. Mulewska, M.M. Zieliński, Ma. Kowal, R. Diduszko, W. Chromiński, J. Jagielski | Microstructure and phase investigation of FeCrAl-Y2O3 ODS steels with different Ti and V contents | J. Nucl. Mater.[100] Vol. 586 (2023) 154700 | original version (open access): open access version: | | 2023/08 |
65 | E. Wyszkowska, C. Mieszczyński, Ł. Kurpaska, W. Chromiński, A. Azarov, I. Jóźwik, A. Esfandiarpour, A. Kosińska, D. Kalita, R. Diduszko, J. Jagielski, S. Nori, M. Alava | The Fe addition as an effective treatment for improving the radiation resistance of fcc NixFe1-x single-crystal alloys | J. Nucl. Mater.[100] Vol. 584 (2023) 154565 | original version (open access): open access version: | | 2023/06 |
66 | W. Zhu, W. Huo, S. Wang, Ł. Kurpaska, F. Fang, S. Papanikolaou, H. Kim, J. Jiang | Machine Learning-Based Hardness Prediction of High-Entropy Alloys for Laser Additive Manufacturing | JOM Vol. 75, pages 5537–5548 (2023) | original version (open access): open access version: | 2023/10 | |
67 | I. Jóźwik, J. Jagielski, P. Ciepielewski, E. Dumiszewska, K. Piętak-Jurczak, M. Kamiński, U. Kentsch | Depth-distribution of resistivity within ion-irradiated semiconductor layersrevealed by low-kV scanning electron microscopy | MAT SCI SEMICON PROC[70] Vol. 165 (2023) 107640 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2023/06 | |
68 | M. Marciszko-Wiąckowska, A. Baczmański, Ch. Braham, M. Wątroba, S. Wroński, R. Wawszczak, G. Gonzalez, P. Kot, M. Klaus, Ch. Genzel | Stress evolution in plastically deformed austenitic and ferritic steels determined using angleand energy-dispersive diffraction | MATER CHARACT[100] Vol. 203 No 113114 (2023) | original version (open access): open access version:
| | 2023/06 |
69 | K. Suchorab, M. Gawęda, A. Kosińska, D. Kalita, I. Jóźwik, Ł. Kurpaska | Understanding the role of tetragonal phase in oxidation behaviour of different zirconium-based alloys in air and water vapour conditions – Phase fraction and stress field distribution | MATER CHARACT [100] Vol. 205 (2023) 113373 | original version (open access): open access version: | | 2023/10 |
70 | P. Kot, M. Wroński, A. Baczmański, A. Ludwik, S. Wroński, K. Wierzbanowski, Ch. Scheffzük, J. Pilch, G. Farkas | A novel method of experimental determination of grain stresses and critical resolved shear stresses for slip and twin systems in a magnesium alloy | MEASUREMENT [200] (2023) Vol. 221, 113469 | original version (open access): open access version: | | 2023/08 |
71 | D. Kalita, I. Jóźwik, Ł. Kurpaska, K. Mulewska, W. Chromiński, J. Jagielski et al. | The microstructure and He+ ion irradiation behavior of novel low-activation W-Ta-Cr-V refractory high entropy alloy for nuclear applications | Nuclear Materials and Energy[140] Vol. 37 (2023) 101513 | original version (open access): open access version: | | 2023/09 |
72 | Mark Fedorov, Jan S. Wróbel, Witold Chromiński, Grzegorz Cieślak, Magdalena Płocińska, Krzysztof J. Kurzydłowski, Duc Nguyen-Manh | Composition stability of single fcc phase in Cr–Fe–Mn–Ni alloys: First-principles prediction and experimental validation | Acta Materialia Volume 255, 15 August 2023, 119047 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2023/06 | |
73 | Q. Xu, A. Zaborowska, K. Mulewska, W. Huo, K. Karimi, F. Dominguez, Ł. Kurpaska, M. Alava, S. Papanikolaou | Atomistic insights into nanoindentation-induced deformation of α-Al2O3 single crystals during nanoindentation | Vacuum, Volume 219, Part A, January 2024, 112733 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2023/10 | |
74 | Malgorzata Lubas, Anna Zawada, Jaroslaw Jan Jasinski, Adrian Nowak | Experimental Study of Amphibolite–Basalt (SiO2-AlO3-CaO-Fe2O3) Glasses for Glass-Ceramic Materials Production | Materials 2023, 16(21), 6887 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2023/10 | |
75 | H. Salmenjoki, S. Papanikolaou, D. Shi, D. Tourret, C. M. Cepeda-Jiménez, M. T. Pérez-Prado, L. Laurson & M. J. Alava | Machine learning dislocation density correlations and solute effects in Mg-based alloys | Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 11114 (2023) | original version (open access): open access version: | 2023/07 | |
76 | D. Kalita, K. Mulewska, I. Jóźwik, A. Zaborowska, M. Gawęda, W. Chromiński, K. Bochenek, and Ł. Rogal | Metastable b-Phase Ti–Nb Alloys Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy: Effect of Nb on Superelasticity and Deformation Behavior | Metall Mater Trans A (2024) | original version (open access): open access version: | | 2024/01 |
77 | Silvia Bonfanti, Roberto Guerra, Rene Alvarez-Donado, Paweł Sobkowicz, Stefano Zapperi, and Mikko Alava | Quasilocalized modes in crystalline and partially crystalline high-entropy alloys | Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013146 – Published 6 February 2024 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/02 | |
78 | Silvia Bonfanti, Mario Beretta, Simone Milan, Cinzia Ferrario, Carlo Alberto Biffi, Oleksandr Chepizhko, Caterina A. M. La Porta, Ausonio Tuissi and Stefano Zapperi | Puzzle-shaped cells and the mechanical response of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seed coats | Programmable Materials. 2024;2:e1 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/02 | |
79 | A. Naghdi, F. J. Domínguez-Gutiérrez, W. Y. Huo, K. Karimi, and S. Papanikolaou | Dynamic Nanoindentation and Short-Range Order in Equiatomic NiCoCr Medium-Entropy Alloy Lead to Novel Density Wave Ordering | Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 116101 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/03 | |
80 | Dario Massa, Efthimios Kaxiras, Stefanos Papanikolaou | Alloy informatics through ab initio charge density profiles: Case study of hydrogen effects in face-centred cubic crystals | Acta Materialia, Volume 268, 15 April 2024, 119773 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/02 | |
81 | Agata Sotniczuk, Damian Kalita, Witold Chromiński, Magdalena Matczuk, Marcin Pisarek, Halina Garbacz | Albumin suppresses oxidation of Ti-Nb alloy in the simulated inflammatory environment | J Biomed Mater Res.2024;112:e35404 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/03 | |
82 | F. J. Domínguez-Gutiérrez, A. Olejarz, M. Landeiro Dos Reis, E. Wyszkowska, D. Kalita, W. Y. Huo, I. Jozwik, L. Kurpaska, S. Papanikolaou, M. J. Alava, K. Muszka | Atomistic-level analysis of nanoindentation-induced plasticity in arc-melted NiFeCrCo alloys: The role of stacking faults | J. Appl. Phys. Volume 135, Issue 18 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/05 | |
83 | Tomasz Mościcki, Rafał Psiuk, Dariusz Jarząbek, Marta Ciemiorek-Bartkowska, Krzysztof Kulikowski, Jarosław Jasiński, Mateusz Włoczewski, Małgorzata Lewandowska | Effect of titanium and deposition parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of W-Ti-B thin films deposited by High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering | Surface and Coatings Technology Volume 485, 15 June 2024, 130915 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/05 | |
84 | Karol Frydrych, Maciej Tomczak and Stefanos Papanikolaou | Crystal Plasticity Parameter Optimization in Cyclically Deformed Electrodeposited Copper—A Machine Learning Approach | Materials 2024, 17(14) | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/07 | |
85 | Amirhossein D. Naghdi, Franco Pellegrini, Emine Küçükbenli, Dario Massa, F. Javier Dominguez–Gutierrez, Efthimios Kaxiras, Stefanos Papanikolaou | Neural network interatomic potentials for open surface nano-mechanics applications | Acta Materialia Volume 277, 15 September 2024, 120200 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/07 | |
86 | A. Aligayev, F.J. Dominguez-Gutierrez, M. Chourashiya, S. Papanikolaou, Qing Huang | Computational modeling of CH4 and CO2 adsorption on monolayer graphenylene: Implications for optoelectronic properties and hydrogen production | Diamond and Related Materials Volume 147, August 2024, 111336 | original version: open access version: | 2024/06 | |
87 | Stefanos Papanikolaou | An informatics method for inferring the hardening exponent of plasticity in polycrystalline metals from surface strain measurements | Journal of Materials Science: Materials Theory volume 8, Article number: 14 (2024) | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/07 | |
88 | Kamran Karimi, Amin Esfandiarpour & Stefanos Papanikolaou | Serrated plastic flow in deforming complex concentrated alloys: universal signatures of dislocation avalanches | Journal of Materials Science: Materials Theory volume 8, Article number: 7 (2024) | original version: open access version: | 2024/04 | |
89 | Fahimeh Ahmadi, Raouf El-Mallawany, Stefanos Papanikolaou & Panagiotis G. Asteris | Prediction of optical properties of rare-earth doped phosphate glasses using gene expression programming | Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 15505 (2024) | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/07 | |
90 | Qin-qin Xu, Kamran Karimi, Amirhossein H. Naghdi, Wen-yi Huo, Chong Wei & Stefanos Papanikolaou | Nanoindentation responses of NiCoFe medium-entropy alloys from cryogenic to elevated temperatures | J. Iron Steel Res. Int. 31, 2068–2077 (2024) | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/04 | |
91 | Yulin Li, Łukasz Kurpaska, Eryang Lu, Zonghan Xie, Hyoung Seop Kim, Wenyi Huo | Body-centered cubic phase stability in cobalt-free refractory high-entropy alloys | Results in Physics Volume 60, May 2024, 107688 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/04 | |
92 | Leticia S. Bezerra, Paul Brasseur, Sam Sullivan-Allsop, Rongsheng Cai, Kaline N. da Silva, Shiqi Wang, Harishchandra Singh, Ashok K. Yadav, Hugo L. S. Santos, Mykhailo Chundak, Ibrahim Abdelsalam, Vilma J. Heczko, Elton Sitta, Mikko Ritala, Wenyi Huo,Thomas J. A. Slater, Sarah J. Haigh, and Pedro H. C. Camargo | Ultralow Catalytic Loading for Optimised Electrocatalytic Performance of AuPt Nanoparticles to Produce Hydrogen and Ammonia | Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, e202405459 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/05 | |
93 | Justyna Janowska, Justyna Gargas, Karolina Zajdel, Michal Wieteska, Kamil Lipinski, Malgorzata Ziemka-Nalecz, Malgorzata Frontczak-Baniewicz, Joanna Sypecka | Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells' fate after neonatal asphyxia—Puzzling implications for the development of hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy | Brain Pathology. 2024. e13255 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/03 | |
94 | Beata Wrzosek, Karolina Zajdel, Paulina Jeleń, Jolanta Bukowska | Mellitic Acid-Supported Synthesis of Anisotropic Nanoparticles Used as SERS Substrate | ACS Omega | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/07 | |
95 | Agata Sotniczuk, Baojie Dou, Yangping Liu, Oumaïma Gharbi, Fan Sun, Halina Garbacz, Jeremy L. Gilbert, Kevin Ogle | Real-time monitoring of Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr and commercially pure Ti interaction with H2O2 using atomic force microscopy and atomic emission spectroelectrochemistry | Applied Surface Science Volume 665, 30 August 2024, 160309 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/05 | |
96 | Valtteri Torsti; Tero Mäkinen; Silvia Bonfanti; Juha Koivisto; Mikko J. Alava | Improving the mechanical properties of Cantor-like alloys with Bayesian optimization | APL Mach. Learn. 2, 016119 (2024) | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/03 | |
97 | Magdalena Wilczopolska, Kinga Suchorab, Magdalena Gawęda, Małgorzata Frelek-Kozak, Paweł Ciepielewski, Marcin Brykała, Wojciech Chmurzyński, Iwona Jóźwik | Evolution of radiation-induced damage in nuclear graphite – A comparative structural and microstructural study | Diamond and Related Materials Volume 146, June 2024, 111247 | original version: open access version: | 2024/07 | |
98 | Magdalena Gawęda, Piotr Jeleń, Agata Zaborowska, Ryszard Diduszko, Łukasz Kurpaska | Study of amorphous alumina coatings for next-generation nuclear reactors: High-temperature in-situ and post-mortem Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction | Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc. 2024 Jun 19:321:124680 | original version: open access version: | 2024/07 | |
99 | L. Kurpaska, M. Clozel, J.H. O’Connell, I. Jóźwik, E. Wyszkowska, W.Y. Huo, W. Chrominski, D. Kalita, S.T. Nori, F. Fang, J. Jagielski, J.H. Neethling | Nanoindentation responses of Fe–Cr alloys from room temperature to 600 °C | Materials Science and Engineering: A Volume 902, June 2024, 146590 | original version: open access version: | 2024/06 | |
100 | Artur Olejarz, Wenyi Huo, Damian Kalita, Maciej Zieliński, Edyta Wyszkowska, Witold Chromiński, Ryszard Diduszko, Marcin Chmielewski, Iwona Jóźwik, Łukasz Kurpaska | Cr-rich structure evolution and enhanced mechanical properties of CoCrFeNi high entropy alloys by mechanical alloying | Journal of Materials Research and Technology Volume 30, May–June 2024, Pages 1490-1504 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/03 | |
101 | Dario Massa; Daniel Cieśliński; Amirhossein Naghdi; Stefanos Papanikolaou | Substitutional alloying using crystal graph neural networks | AIP Advances 14, 015023 (2024) | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/01 | |
102 | Lasse Laurson, Mikko J. Alava | Dislocation-precipitate interactions in crystals: from the BKS model to collective dislocation dynamics | Journal of Materials Science: Materials Theory (2024) 8:10 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/05 | |
103 | M. Ryś, M. Kursa & H. Petryk | Spontaneous emergence of deformation bands in single-crystal plasticity simulations at small strain | Comput Mech (2024) | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/07 | |
104 | Mohsen Rezaee-Hajidehi, Maciej Ryś | Modeling the interaction between instabilities and functional degradation in shape memory alloys | International Journal of Mechanical Sciences Volume 282, 15 November 2024, 109569 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2024/07 | |
105 | E. Wyszkowska, C. Mieszczyński, Ł. Kurpaska, A. Azarov, I. Jóźwik, A. Kosińska, W. Chromiński, R. Diduszko, W. Huo, I. Cieślik, J. Jagielski | Tuning heterogeneous ion-radiation damage by composition in NiFex binary single crystals | Nanoscale Vol. 15 (2023) 4870 | original version (open access): open access version: | 2023/01 | |
106 | R. Ratajczak, M. Sarwar, D. Kalita, P. Jozwik, C. Mieszczynski, J. Matulewicz, M. Wilczopolska, W. Wozniak, U. Kentsch, R. Heller, E. Guziewicz | Anisotropy of radiation-induced defects in Yb-implanted β-Ga2O3 | Scientific Reports, (2024), vol. 14, 24800 | original version: open access version: | 2023/10 | |
107 | A. Sotniczuk, W. Chromiński, D. Kalita, H. Garbacz, C. Xie, J. Tang, B. Dou, M. Pisarek, A. Baron-Wiecheć, Ł. Kurpaska, F. Sun, K. Ogle | Effect of Zr addition on the corrosion resistance of Ti-Mo alloy in the H2O2-containing inflammatory environment | Applied Surface Science, (2024), vol. 681, 161518 | original version: open access version: | 2025/02 | |
108 | A. Sotniczuk, B. Dou, C. Xie, J. Tang, D. Kalita, W. Chromiński, H. Garbacz, F. Sun, K. Ogle | New insights into the corrosion of orthopedic Ti-6Al-4V under cathodic polarization | New insights into the corrosion of orthopedic Ti-6Al-4V under cathodic polarization, Corrosion Science, (2024), vol. 238, 112354 | original version: open access version: | 2024/09 | |
109 | C. Mieszczyński, E. Wyszkowska, P. Jóźwik, K. Skrobas, K. Stefańska-Skrobas, M. Barlak, R. Ratajczak, A. Kosińska, W. Chromiński, K. Lorenz | Damage Kinetics in High-Temperature Irradiated Ni Crystals | Appl. Surf. Sci. Vol. 676 (2024) 160991 | original version: open access version: | 2024/12 | |
110 | A. Ustrzycka, F. Dominguez, W. Chromiński | Atomistic Analysis of the Mechanisms Underlying Irradiation-Hardening in Fe-Ni-Cr Alloys | Int. J. of Plasticity Vol. 182 (2024) 104118 | original version: open access version: | 2024/11 | |
111 | Amil Aligayev, U. Jabbarli, U. Samadova, F.J. Dominguez–Gutierrez, S. Papanikolaou, Qing Huang | Dissociative mechanism from NH3 and CH4 on Ni-doped graphene: Tuning electronic and optical properties | Applied Surface Science, Volume 686, 30 March 2025, 162022 | oiginal version:
| 2024/12 | |
112 | Qinqin Xu, Meng Liang, Guojian Lyu, Jichao Qiao, Chong Wei, Wenyi Huo, Stefanos Papanikolaou, Claudio Fusco | Nucleation mechanisms of shear bands in amorphous alumina | Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 325, 1 October 2024, 129783 | original version: | 2024/07 | |
113 | Kaline N. da Silva, Shwetha Shetty, Sam Sullivan−Allsop, Rongsheng Cai, Shiqi Wang, Jhon Quiroz, Mykhailo Chundak, Hugo L. S. dos Santos, IbrahiM Abdelsalam, Freddy E. Oropeza, Víctor A. de la Peña O’Shea, Niko Heikkinen, Elton Sitta, Tiago V. Alves, Mikko Ritala, Wenyi Huo, Thomas J. A. Slater, Sarah J. Haigh, and Pedro H. C. Camargo | Au@AuPd Core-Alloyed Shell Nanoparticles for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity and Selectivity under Visible Light Excitation | Nano 2024, 18, 24391 | original version: | 2024/08 | |
114 | Yulin Li, Artur Olejarz, Łukasz Kurpaska, Eryang Lu, Mikko J. Alava, Hyoung Seop Kim, Wenyi Huo | Designing cobalt-free face-centered cubic high-entropy alloys: A strategy using d-orbital energy level | International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials Volume 124, November 2024, 106834 | original version: | 2024/08 | |
115 | Magdalena Gawęda, Jakub Marchewka, Piotr Jeleń, Maciej Bik, Maciej Sowa, Wojciech Simka, Barbara Zagrajczuk, Zofia Kucia, Patryk Zając, Maciej Sitarz | Bioactive Properties of Phosphate-Modified Silicon Oxycarbide Protective Coatings: Morphology and Functional Evaluation | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16, 68836−68849 | oiginal version: | 2024/12 | |
116 | A. H. Naghdi, D. Massa, and K. Karimi and Stefanos Papanikolaou | High Entropy Alloy Composition Design for Mechanical Propertie | High Entropy Alloys - Composition and Microstructure Design. IntechOpen, Jul. 16, 2024. | original version: 10.5772/intechopen.1004868. | 2024/07 | |
117 | Silvia Bonfanti, Stefan Hiemer, Raja Zulkarnain, Roberto Guerra, Michael Zaiser & Stefano Zapperi | Computational design of mechanical metamaterials | Nature Computational Science, volume 4, pages 574–583 (2024) | original version: | 2024/08 | |
118 | Tero Mäkinen, Anshul D. S. Parmar, Silvia Bonfanti, and Mikko J. Alava | Avalanches in Cu-Zr-Al metallic glasses | Phys. Rev. E 111, 014107 – Published 3 January, 2025 | original version: | 2025/01 |
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