NOMATEN welcomes scientists to work with us. For students, we have available thesis projects and eventually also internships. Our topics range from experimental to computational to theoretical materials science and physics, and radiopharmaceutical research. We also offer possibilities in machine learning and data science. For topics and inquiries please contact one of our RGLs.
NOMATEN also welcomes senior scientific visitors. We look forward to researchers spending time with us for collaborations and for eventual sabbatical stays. The Centre of Excellence may in such cases provide with financial support: please contact the Director or the RGLs in your field directly.
Research Group Leaders - contact details:
Prof. Mikko Alava: Complexity in Materials
CoE Director
Prof. Stefanos Papanikolaou: Materials Informatics - Structure and Function
Prof. Łukasz Kurpaska: Functional Properties of Materials
Iwona Jóźwik PhD: Materials Characterization
Prof. Marek Pruszyński: Novel Radiopharmaceuticals