
CoE NOMATEN Director Foreword

The NOMATEN Center of Excellence was established in 2018 thanks to winning the H2020 Teaming for Excellence competition and the International Research Agenda of the Foundation for Polish Science. The Center has already passed the seed and start-up phases, and with established five independent, fully coherent groups, which are led by recognized and respected scientists, we are now entering a new chapter: growth. Our goal is to become an influential and meaningful bridge, particularly between smart specialization strategies and excellence in R&I, to strengthen the European Research Area and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. We aim to become a flagship institution in Poland, a game changer working on materials for harsh environments (particularly for fission and fusion reactors) and developing new radiopharmaceuticals for medical applications. These goals will be achieved via synergy among the groups, strategic vision on developing R&I excellence beyond the state of the art, and the help of advanced partners, CEA and VTT.


Centre of Excellence

Strategic research and innovation topics



Łukasz Kurpaska Acting Director of CoE NOMATEN
Prof. Łukasz Kurpaska


Prof. Jacek Jagielski TEAMING Project Coordinator
Prof. Jacek Jagielski


Barbara Paprocka Hospitality Manager of CoE NOMATEN
Barbara Paprocka


Magdalena Jędrkiewicz Human Resources Manager of CoE NOMATEN
Magdalena Jędrkiewicz


