Fulbright STEM Impact Award for prof. Łukasz Kurpaska
Prof. Łukasz Kurpaska, our Materials’ Functional Properties Research Group Leader, received the Fulbright STEM Impact Award.
Three Poles has been rewarded by the foundation this year in the area of research projects on science, technology, ingeneering and mathematics (STEM). The scientist will take advantage on a grant for a 2 to 6-week stay in US research institutions. Scholarship holders can not only share their knowledge and conduct research in their field, but also learn about the organizational and financing systems of American institutions.
Prof. Łukasz Kurpaska is a Head of Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) in the National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ). He coordinated several expertise works for Polish industry and is working with numer of Polish accreditation and certificate institutions such as: Polish Center for Accreditation, Technical Inspection Authority and Office of Nuclear Regulation. MRL is the only laboratory in Poland equipped in set of 12 Hot Cells able to handle radioactive materials, while mechanical division of MRL is the only laboratory in Poland providing services in the field of fracture mechanics in accordance with ASTM, BS and ISO standards. Since September 2020, Prof. Łukasz Kurpaska has acted as the leader of the Research Group at NOMATEN.