New promo movie on POLATOM Radioisotope Centre
Radioisotope Centre POLATOM as a part of the National Centre for Nuclear Research in Poland is a significant global supplier of high-quality radiopharmaceuticals and diagnostic kits for nuclear medicine applications, and an important producer of radioisotopes used in science and industry. The production of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals at NCBJ in Świerk has been continued for 60 years.
Currently, POLATOM fully covers the needs of the Polish domestic market and exports products to 80 countries on six continents. POLATOM is a partner for NOMATEN in terms of research focused on novel radiopharmaceuticals and one of our research groups is dedicated to this topic.
Radiopharmaceuticals are used extensively as diagnostic and therapeutic agents in nuclear medicine. These medicinal products contain a radioisotope in their molecule structure. The molecule conveys the radioisotope to specific organs, tissues or cells whilst the radioisotope is selected for its radioactive properties.