Director of Research Centre - manage a Centre of Excellence having full research autonomy
The NOMATEN Centre of Excellence (CoE) is formed through a scientific partnership between the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ-Poland), the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA-France) and the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT-Finland). NOMATEN focuses its research on the characterization, analysis and development of advanced multifunctional materials, specifically those designed to work in extreme conditions, with primary examples being radiation, high temperature and corrosion, in the context of energy production, but also those associated with medical applications, with notably the development of diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals and associated tools.
More info about NOMATEN CoE and the detailed project descriptions at
NOMATEN has been established in September 2018. The CoE has received an initial operational grant from the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP), supporting its operations for 5 years (2019-2023) and is financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2024-2027). The CoE is moreover one of the 7-year projects initially selected by the European Commission (EC) for the second phase competition of the prestigious Teaming for Excellence programme (EU / H2020 / Coordination and Support Actions / Grant Agreement #857470), for which an extension for another 12 months has now been approved (October 2026 → October 2027).
After a 5-year “establishment phase”, where different research groups have been set and the personnel for the CoE have been hired, the NOMATEN will renew its management and is now seeking for a new Director for the Research Centre. The recruitment is carried out by the NOMATEN International Scientific Committee (ISC), which has set the following requirements for the candidate:
- The candidate should be a distinguished research leader, either currently active or with a notable history of leadership in the field of Material Sciences, although exceptional candidates with a background in Radiopharmaceutical Sciences will also be considered. The candidate should have a record of outstanding scientific achievements, comparable to that of an ERC – European Research Council – advanced grant holder. This includes an excellent scientific track record (e.g., publications, patents, conference proceedings …), as well as active participation in international scientific societies and committees.
- The candidate should also demonstrate significant experience working in multinational environments. Given that the NOMATEN CoE was first established through an international partnership (in the framework of the aforementioned teaming project), the ability to forge novel relationships and new connections both nationally and internationally is highly expected. As such, he/she must not only have proven experience in the administration and management of large, preferably multinational, projects but also demonstrate a successful track record in securing large EU research grants or similar large-scale projects. Additionally, the candidate should possess both long-term vision and the capability of defining near-term proposal plans to drive forward scientific advancements.
- The candidate should furthermore have experience in the management of a research organisation having a comparable scale and profile of the CoE (e.g. an internationally recognized center, composed of about 50 persons, from various countries, and with profiles ranging from PhD students to senior scientists as far as research is concerned. As such, he/she should be able to select long-term objectives for the NOMATEN CoE (between 5 and 10 years), verify their execution and be responsible for the achievement of the main organisational goals. He/she should notably be able to implement a true leadership for the CoE (a scientific and strategic vision), with realistic objectives and associated means (roadmap). He/she should also be an effective communicator, with excellent people management skils, full-time engaged in the direction of the NOMATEN CoE.
- The candidate should also be engaged towards the transfer of research & development output into industrial applications, in the European landscape. As such, his/her record of accomplishment should provide clear elements of successful transfer to the industry, with proven success in high TRL project management.
We offer:
- A chance to make one’s own mark by participating in the development of an international Center of Excellence, devoted to the study of materials in harsh conditions in relation to current and future energy production systems, on one side, and the development of diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals and tools as innovative materials for biomedical applications on the other side.
- A full research autonomy within the general Research Agenda devoted to material studies focused on the behaviours and design of materials for harsh environments in relation to energy issues and biomedical applications; supervised by an International Scientific Committee composed of leading authorities in Materials Sciences as well as Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, associated to a Steering Committee composed of the founding partners of the Center of Excellence (NCBJ hosting the CoE, as well as CEA and VTT).
- An access to the research potential of NOMATEN’s three partners. The National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) is one of the best Polish Research Institutes. Additionally, the two international partners, CEA and VTT, are world-class leaders as Technology Transfer Offices (TTO), aiming at bringing research and development activities and services to industrial applications and commercialization of products.
- An access at NCBJ to unique research laboratories equipped with cutting-edge equipment and facilities, as well as research infrastructures such as the nuclear research reactor Maria, the recently starting CERAD center (equipped with an IBA Cyclone 30 XP cyclotron), a supercomputing centre. Also, access to certain infrastructures of the project partners, CEA and VTT.
- A chance to create and develop constructive organisational culture, based on cooperation with CEA and VTT.
- An attractive remuneration on a European level; a permanent employment contract, including full Polish Social Security and Health Care coverage.
- The support of an experienced local team devoted to legal, financial and organisational tasks as well as logistic support and advice related to work in Poland in the initial period of employment.
Required documents:
- An extended Curriculum Vitae with full publication list
- The vision of the candidate regarding the Research Agenda for the CoE for the next 3 years
- A scan/ copy of degree diploma
- Any other possible documents that might influence the assessment
- Please fill out the questionnaire “Candidates Information Sheet” link:
Instructions to applicants:
Application should be sent to by January 15th, 2025
Candidates may be asked to provide additional documents and their vision for leading the Centre and its Research Agenda. The top three candidates will be short-listed and invited to interview.