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NOMATEN’s new scientific paper: Effects of Fe atoms on hardening of a nickel matrix: Nanoindentation experiments and atom-scale numerical modeling

The authors team are the following: L. Kurpaska (Research group leader- Functional Materials); F.J. Dominguez-Gutierrez PhD; Y.Zhang (University of Tennessee at Knoxville); K. Mulewska MsCs.; H. Bei (Zhejiang University); W.J.Weber (University of Tennessee at Knoxville); A. Kosińska Ms Cs; W. Chrominski (Warsaw University of Technology); I. Jozwik (Research group leader-Materials Characterization); R. Alvarez-Donado PhD; S. Papanikolaou (Research Goup Leader - Materials informatics Structure and Function); J. Jagielski (NOMATEN CoE Teaming Director); and M. Alava (NOMATEN CoE Director and Research Group Leader - Complexity in Materials).

The paper is available here:

Abstract: Significant hardening effect due to Fe concentrations in Ni-based alloys with face-centered-cubic structure has been studied by using a combined experimental and atomistic-based computational approach via nanoindentation tests. The obtained experimental load–displacement data for the [0 0 1] crystal orientation reached a qualitative good agreement with molecular dynamics simulations results, leading to strong evidence that the main strengthening factors are associated to sluggish dislocation diffusion, reduced defect sizes and the nucleation of tetrahedral stacking faults. Here, interstitial type prismatic dislocation loops mainly formed by ⅙〈1 1 2〉 Shockley dislocations are nucleated during the loading process, where their interaction leads to the formation of pyramidal shaped stacking fault which are mainly created by ⅓〈1 0 0〉 Hirth dislocations lines. Observing both types of defects coexisting in the same plastic deformation zone by both approaches. Reported mechanical data, measured experimentally and interpreted numerically, are also in accordance with microstructural SEM and TEM investigations.


Graphical abstract



This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No 857470 and from European Regional Development Fund
via Foundation for Polish Science International Research Agenda PLUS programme grant
No MAB PLUS/2018/8.
The project is co-financed from the state budget within the framework of the undertaking of the Minister of Science and Higher Education "Support for the activities of Centers of Excellence established under Horizon 2020".

Grant: 5 143 237,70 EUR
Total value: 29 971 365,00 EUR
Date of signing the funding agreement: December 2023

The purpose of the undertaking is to support entities of the higher education and science system that have received funding from the European Union budget in the competition H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-2020/WIDESPREAD-01-2018-2019: Teaming Phase 2. in the preparation, implementation and updating of activities, maintenance of material resources necessary for carrying out activities, acquisition and modernization of scientific and research apparatus, maintenance and development of personnel potential necessary for the implementation of activities, and dissemination of the results of scientific activities.