NOMATEN HYBRID-SEMINAR, October 29th, The practical approach of thermomechanical processing of high entropy alloys in (CoNiFeMn)1-xMox system to achieve special properties
In-person: NOMATEN seminar room
Location: NOMATEN seminar room
Time: 1 PM
gotomeeting room (for online):
Seminar date: June 18th, 2024
Title: The practical approach of thermomechanical processing of high entropy alloys in (CoNiFeMn)1-xMox system to achieve special properties
Speaker name: Dr. Kamil Cichocki
Speaker affiliation: AGH University of Kraków, Faculty of Metal Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Department of Metal Forming and Metallurgical Engineering
High entropy alloys are a relatively new group of alloys in material science. Recent years of research have shown that these alloys have the potential to be the answer to the increasing property requirements of industrial development. One of the sectors where high-entropy alloys can find their application is in the energy, military and space industries. One of the fundamental expectations for constructional materials used in these sectors is high energy absorption capacity while maintaining high strength (often at low temperatures where e.g. conventional steels exhibit brittleness). Nowadays designing manufacturing technologies for the metal forming of structural elements from modern engineering materials requires an understanding of the relationships between process parameters (time, temperature, deformation, strain rate), microstructural phenomena (recovery/strengthening mechanisms, phase transformations, precipitation processes), and resulting properties (strength, ductility, toughness). The presentation will provide a practical example of designing specific properties of (FeMnNiCo)1-xMox high entropy alloys by controlling microstructure development at each stage of the metal forming process. It will be presented that by applying a modern approach to the plastic deformation process (Calphad/ab-initio simulations) of a high-entropy alloy (FeMnNiCo)1-xMox to achieve the TWIP (twinning-induced plasticity) effect under cryogenic conditions. The role of recrystallization, grain growth, and the precipitation of the phase in controlling grain size - a key parameter defining the susceptibility to twinning/nanotwinning in this alloy at cryogenic temperatures - will be discussed.
Dr. Cichocki is an Assistant Professor at AGH University of Krakow in Department of Metal Forming and Metallurgical Engineering.
Graduated in 2024 with high honors from AGH University of Krakow being focused on “Investigations into the influence of phase composition on the plastic workability of non-equilibrium high entropy alloys”. Dr. Cichocki's research work deals with high entropy alloys, their properties, susceptibility to plastic deformation and thermomechanical processing. His interests also include the design of these materials for cryogenic properties, as well as modeling using CALPHAD and DFT methods.