Plasma Materials Interactions & Diagnostics Symposium at NCBJ
I am happy to announce that we organize Plasma Materials Interactions & Diagnostics Symposium here at NCBJ in Warsaw! The symposium will take place on 21-23rd of May, where I will present the progress obtained within the execution of my POLONEZ BIS 3 project (21st of May at 15:30). The name of my talk is: Development of a semi-empirical method to interconnect ion and neutron radiation-induced hardening in structural steels for nuclear applications using nanoindentation and crystal plasticity finite element method.
It will be a great occasion to exchange thoughts and find collaborations, as many senior scientists are coming from the nuclear facilities all across Europe: Dr. Marcin Jakubowski from the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Dr. Andrea Sand from Aalto University, Dr. Christophe Ortiz from CIEMAT, Dr. Miroslaw Zlobinski from Forschungszentrum Jülich, and Dr. Roman Zagórski from National Centre for Nuclear Research.
More information is via the link: