Tymofii Khvan
Nice to meet you, my name is Tymofii!
POLONEZ BIS 3 project information
Title: Mechanical and structural properties of RAFM steels - impact of radiation damage.
Acronym: RAFM.
Project description:
Plasma Materials Interactions & Diagnostics Symposium at NCBJ
I am happy to announce that we organize Plasma Materials Interactions & Diagnostics Symposium here at NCBJ in Warsaw! The symposium will take place on 21-23rd of May, where I will present the progress obtained within the execution of my POLONEZ BIS 3 project (21st of May at 15:30). The name of my talk is: Development of a semi-empirical method to interconnect ion and neutron radiation-induced hardening in structural steels for nuclear applications using nanoindentation and crystal plasticity finite element method.
Nauka dla Społeczeństwa at Politechnika Warszawska
Heyyy! On Sunday and Monday the 9th-10th of June a congress named "Nauka dla Społeczeństwa 2024" will take place at Politechnika Warszawska. This is important, because NCBJ and NOMATEN will have our own stand there (Stand #23, Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych). This is also important, because on the 9th of June I will be one of the persons promoting that stand, explaining to everyone what is our facility and its role. The most important: it is important, because science is important.