NOMATEN Seminar on MAR 9 2021: Multiscale constitutive modeling of irradiation effect on mechanical properties of metals
Aneta Ustrzycka PhD ( Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Science (PAN)) will be a speaker at NOMATEN Seminar on Tuesday March 9th 2021 at 01:00PM GMT+1 (13:00 CET).
1st CEA Webinar at NOMATEN: Multiscale approach to predict the mechanical properties of nuclear materials - application to irradiation effects
On March 10th at 11:00PM T. Jourdan, L. Dupuy and L. Gélébart from CEA will be speakers in the 1st CEA's Webinar at NOMATEN
Witold Chromiński PhD joins NOMATEN
Witold Chromiński PhD will support Structure and Function research group led by prof. Łukasz Kurpaska. Witold Chromiński received his PhD at Faculty of Materials Science Warsaw University of Technology.
NOMATEN On-line Seminar: Learning Atomic Interactions from Microscopic Observables [FEB 23 at 1PM]
Albert Bartok-Partay PhD from Warwick University will be a speaker at our next webinar. The lecture and discussion will be devoted to the topic of using microscopy in order to learn atomic interactions.
Fulbright STEM Impact Award for prof. Łukasz Kurpaska
Prof. Łukasz Kurpaska, our Materials’ Functional Properties Research Group Leader, received the Fulbright STEM Impact Award. Three Poles has been rewarded by the foundation this year in the area of research projects on science, technology, ingeneering and mathematics (STEM).
NOMATEN SEMINAR on FEB 9 2021: Mathematically Enhanced Atomistic Simulation of Advanced Energy Materials by Dr Elena Akhmatskaya
Dr Elena Akhmatskaya from BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics and Interbasque Foundation will present the topic of the mathematically enhanced atomistic simulation of advanced energy materials
New promo movie on POLATOM Radioisotope Centre
POLATOM is a partner for NOMATEN in terms of research focused on novel radiopharmaceuticals and one of our research groups is dedicated to this topic.
NOMATEN SEMINAR on JAN 26 at 2PM [UPDATE]: Towards a machine learning paradigm for multi-scale mechanical characterization of metals
NOMATEN will host an on-line seminar by Dr Balaji Raghavan, an Assistant Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquees (INSA) in Rennes, France.
NOMATEN is looking for up to 2 Research Group Leaders
NOMATEN is looking for up to two Research Group Leaders for experimental studies of materials under extreme condition. The deadline fo applications is FEBRUARY 20th 2021. Check more at HR/Career section.