4th CoE NOMATEN Winter School

4th NOMATEN School, November 5-7, 2024, CEA Saclay – Neurospin, France


4th NOMATEN School, November 5-7, 2024, CEA Saclay – Neurospin, France

Dear Colleagues,

The CEA is pleased to welcome you to the 4th international NOMATEN School (November 5-7th, 2024), held on the CEA Paris-Saclay campus, at NeuroSpin, a world-recognized unique research infrastructure dedicated to brain imaging. CEA is proud to have you again this year in France, a few weeks just after the Paris Olympics and Paralympics summer games, and 3 years after the very first NOMATEN school that was already organized by the CEA in Paris in November 2021.

Like the previous similar and annually-organized NOMATEN schools (at VTT, Espoo, Finland in September 2022 and at NCBJ, Otwock-Swierk, Poland in November 2023), this 4th edition will last for two and a half consecutive days, with the two first journeys dedicated to scientific sessions, including sessions dedicated to students (My-PhD-in-180seconds + a poster session). The last morning will devoted to the visits of CEA selected outstanding facilities: the SHFJ, a biomedical center dedicated to molecular and functional, multimodal and translational imaging, the SAMANTA platform focusing on Additive Manufacturing & surface Treatment and last, the LABRA laboratory of applied radiation.

Without a single doubt, this 2024 school will again be a unique opportunity to exchange knowledge, compare ideas and know-how within the research community and in particular the NOMATEN consortium. For young researchers especially, it is the right place to discuss and compare experimental approaches, stimulate original scientific thinking and initiate, develop and/or strengthen original collaborations with major NCBJ, VTT and CEA players in Research & Innovation, within the Material Sciences and Radiopharmaceutical Sciences fields. Indeed, the context of global warming is today associated with strong efforts to efficiently address energy issues with nuclear and non-nuclear technologies, in which VTT and CEA are already strongly involved. In another NOMATEN pillar, personalized medicine is currently revolutionizing day-to-day medical practices, placing the “radiopharmaceutical” as an innovative powerful solution both when diagnostic or/and therapy are concerned, thus highlighting CEA and VTT expertise when bio(macro)molecules are involved. Note that this dual scientific positioning of NOMATEN will be moreover highlighted with four selected introductive lectures from NOMATEN consortium experts.

NOMATEN is today still a young and growing institution, already managing about 50 individuals within 5 research groups – four associated to Material Sciences and one related to Life Sciences – and one administrative and functional unit. As best proves of the success of these schools and the NOMATEN consortium are the increasing level of participation to these annual events, and in particular the growing number of participating young researchers, notably PhD students: from 65 registered persons but only 7 PhD students in the first organized school (2021), we almost today reached 100 registrations, from which about 20 are from PhD students !

With these, we wish you all a fruitful international school and a wonderful stay once again in France