Materials Characterization Group (“process-structure-property”)
The main goal of the group is to conduct advanced characterization of novel multifunctional materials at the atomistic level using state-of-the art equipment. The focus is on studying the impact of high temperature, oxidizing atmosphere and radiation on the structural properties of materials using a wide range of techniques, including SEM/FIB/EBSD/EDX tools, TEM analysis, as well as advanced and in-situ X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The structural characterization of the studied materials under extreme conditions fills the gap between simulations and functional properties of the material, by verification of the structural model, analysis of material response on various conditions occurring in real environments, analysis of mechanisms of damage accumulation and studies of microstructure influence on the mechanical properties
Leader: Iwona Jóźwik, PhD (0000-0001-5750-2691)
Iwona Jóźwik is a specialist in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and related techniques (i.e. EDS, EBSD, CL) and also a specialist in sample preparation using focused ion beam (FIB) techniques. She obtained her master degree in Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin, Poland (2001) and her PhD degree in Physics in 2006 by the decision of the Council of the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics of the Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk. Her research in the field of structural characterization of materials using microscopy techniques focuses on the application of low-energy scanning electron microscopy to direct visualization of the damage in ion-irradiated materials. She has published more than 67 scientific papers in the international journals with indexed IF. Her H-index is 13 (Scopus) with more than 620 citations.