Sonatina NCN A. Sotniczuk
Dr Agata Sotniczuk is a laureate of the SONATINA 7 grant from NCN, titled Novel metastable titanium beta-phase alloys based on the Ti-Mo system for applications in the modular total hip replacements. The research addresses problems related to degenerative diseases of hip and knee joints, which have been ranked at the 11th place of the most frequent health disabilities observed worldwide. In case of patients who experience chronic pain and severe limitation of their mobility, Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) gives a chance to significantly improve the quality of their life. However, currently used alloys are claimed to be potentially toxic to human health. This projects offers the solution to this problem by exploiting a new group of metastable beta-phase titanium alloys created based on Ti-Mo system, that offers a unique set of features derived from the activation of additional deformation mechanisms. Alloys will demonstrate the desirable combination of high mechanical strength and ductility. The general objective of this project is to fabricate a new alloys based on Ti-Mo system, which are capable of the complex conditions as can be found at the metallic interfaces of modular total hip replacements.