Polonez Bis – dr Wenyi Huo
Project information:
Financing: National Science Centre
Project ID: 2021/43/P/ST5/02663
Project title: Development of nano-twinned high-entropy alloys with superior mechanical properties and enhanced irradiation resistance.
Acronym: HOT HEA
Project implementation time: 01/11/2022 – 31/10/2025
Budget: 896 428 PLN
Jednostka finansująca: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Nr projektu: 2021/43/P/ST5/02663
Tytuł projektu: Opracowanie nano-zbliźniakowanych stopów o wysokiej entropii o wysokich właściwościach mechanicznych i podwyższonej tolerancji na promieniowanie.
Akronim: HOT HEA
Czas realizacji: 01.11.2022 – 31.10.2025
Budżet: 896 428 PLN
Novel materials with both excellent mechanical properties and irradiation resistance for advanced applications in extreme environments are of great demand. For nuclear application, radiation induced hardening and loss of uniform elongation are one of the major limiting factors for the application of new materials as structural components in GenIV nuclear power reactors. On the other hand, high temperature industry, such as chemical or metallurgical, requires new materials able to maintain stable properties at high temperatures, under mechanical loading and poses sufficient resistance to corrosion. It seems that all these requirements may be fulfilled by currently studied and developed High Entropy Alloys (HEAs) containing Cobalt, Chromium, Iron and Nickel as a base. Is it known that HEAs have attracted considerable attention over the last two decades. It is due to the great interests in both of developing the under-explored central part in phase diagrams, and achieving unprecedented mechanical properties using nanostructure of HEAs. Owing to the strong limit in chemical composition, it is rather difficult to keep increasing properties in conventional alloys. As widely recognized, HEAs are characterized by consisting of multi-elements in an equiatomic or near-equiatomic composition. Therefore, they break the shackles of design theory upon traditional alloys, and can show remarkable properties by a combination of different kinds of mechanisms. In last years, they have been promising candidate materials for structural application in fusion and generation IV fission reactors. However, there is limited information about the HEAs with crystal defects which may shows strong irradiation resistance. The scientific goal of the proposed research project is to comprehensively understand the effect of nano-twins in HEAs on mechanical properties and irradiation resistance. Some of the hypotheses include the presence that nano-twinned HEAs can show both superior mechanical properties and enhanced irradiation resistance. They also include of the stable nanostructure following irradiation, and no significant increase of dislocation microstructures under mechanical load following irradiation. To evaluate the hypotheses, the research team of Dr. Huo (principal investigator-PI) and Dr. Kurpaska (mentor) will study the effect of nano-twins in HEAs on mechanical properties and irradiation resistance. The proposed research is aimed to develop and manufacture a multifunctional, state-of-the-art material for industrial applications. It is aimed to develop nano-twinned V10Cr15Mn5Fe35Co10Ni25, Co20Cr20Fe20Mn20Ni20, Co25Cr25Fe25Ni25 (at.%) HEAs with superior mechanical properties and enhanced irradiation resistance through cryo-deformation and annealing. The extent of cryo-rolling processing as well as the time and temperature of annealing will have to be optimized in order to obtain HEAs with various content of nano-twins. The structural characterization will be performed using XRD/SEM/TEM by thorough and systematic analysis. The mechanical properties of the HEAs will be studied through nanoindentation, and tensile test, at room temperature and high temperature. After ion irradiation, the damage mechanism of the HEAs will be evaluated using FIB/TEM and nanoindentation. All samples will be irradiated at 580℃ and 700℃. The host institution, the NOMATEN Centre of Excellence (CoE) at the National Centre for Nuclear Research in Poland, recruited the PI and will support the research team including the access to the experimental techniques and facilitating the collaboration with the numerical modelling team at the CoE. The CoE comprises of renowned scientists who have expertise in the research methodology used in the project and have been working with nuclear industry materials. The research team aims to compose at least three journal articles based on the project and one review paper based on the available literature. Thus, the proposed research will be an enriching experience for PI to establish himself as a renowned scientist in the current research field.

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