NOMATEN HYBRID-SEMINAR, APRIL 2nd, Results from characterization of Barsebäck 2 RPV weld materials
Visit to companies in Pomerania
Novel developments in materials informatics - COST Action Session
NOMATEN HYBRID-SEMINAR May 23: IDEAS NCBR – a place where AI-related business and science come together. SEMINAR POSTPONED.
NOMATEN HYBRID-SEMINAR May 30: Austenitic HEA/MPEA : from the Cantor alloy to precipitation hardened Co-free alloys with optimised mechanical resistance
For nearly twenty years now, the academic – and increasingly industrial – world has been interested in new classes of metallic alloys. HEA (high entropy alloys), which are concentrated, single-phase alloys based on several metallic elements and whose Cantor alloy (Co20Cr20Fe20Mn20Ni20) is the archetype, were quickly supplemented by multiphase alloys, CCA (complex concentrated alloys) or MPEA (multi principal elements alloys) in which secondary phases bring improvements in properties.
NOMATEN ONLINE-SEMINAR March 28: Nuclearization of atom probe tomography and the workflow analysis: Atomic-scale characterization of neutron irradiated materials.
Atom Probe Tomography (APT) enables access to compositional, morphological and structural information from microstructural features at the atomic scale. This information is especially important on neutron-irradiated material to characterize chemical composition variations around...
NOMATEN HYBRID-SEMINAR March 21: Study of He and Li diffusion in B4C – Role of damage
In the context of fast neutron reactors, boron carbide is a ceramic material with excellent properties for controlling nuclear reactor power. Thanks to its high absorption cross sections of 10B, this material provides an excellent neutron absorber. As a consequence of the 10B(n,α) nuclear reactions, significant quantities...
NOMATEN HYBRID-SEMINAR February 28: Shedding Light on Localised Corrosion
Synchrotron X-rays provide ideal tools for studying the processes that control localised corrosion of metals in wet environments, which is key to understanding the processes that can cause damage to structures such as nuclear waste storage containers and aircraft. In this talk, the morphology of localised corrosion is...
NOMATEN HYBRID-SEMINAR March 7: Insight into molecular dynamics behavior of glass-forming liquids from experiment and MD simulations.
At the beginning we will have a brief look at the liquid-glass transition phenomenon. However, most attention will be focused on the behavior of molecular dynamics during the vitrification process, caused by cooling and compression. Molecular dynamic behavior will be analyzed and...
Junior Seminar on February 1: Hybrid ab initio-machine learning simulations of dislocations
Hybrid ab initio-machine learning simulations of dislocations
Petr Grigiorev PhD, postdoc at the Départment Théorie et Simulation Numérique,
Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille (CINaM), France