NOMATEN - blog

NOMATEN examines metal glass and alloys with high entropy

23 June 2021

The NOMATEN group of scien­ti­sts is looking for con­fi­gu­ra­tio­nal entropy and glass trans­i­tion rela­tion­ships in high-entropy alloys (HEA) using dyna­mic simu­la­tions at the mole­cu­lar level. Dr. Rene Alva­rez-Donado pre­sen­ted some of his team’s results in Janu­ary at the web con­fe­rence „Recent advan­ces on the glass pro­blem” orga­ni­zed by the Cen­ter Euro­péen de Cal­cul Ato­mi­que et Molécu­la­ire (CECAM).

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NOMATEN online seminar on June 15th: Possible applications of Additive Manufacturing (AM, and, principally, Laser Additive Manufacturing, LAM) and the potentialities of High Entropy Alloys in the nuclear field

10 June 2021

NOMATEN seminar by CEA on June 15th at 1.00PM: Possible applications of Additive Manufacturing (AM, and, principally, Laser Additive Manufacturing, LAM) and the potentialities of High Entropy Alloys in the nuclear field ☢️

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NOMATEN Seminar on May 18 2021 at 1PM CET: High-entropy alloys with ultra-high strength and large deformability

13 May 2021
Dr. Chang Liu from the Department of Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, will be our guest at the next NOMATEN's seminar.


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NOMATEN ONLINE SEMINAR APRIL 20 at 1:00 PM: Raman spectroscopic studies of Polymer Derived Ceramics in the form of protective coatings for SOFCs’ interconnects

14 April 2021

Mr Maciej Bik, a promising young researcher from AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, will be a speaker in our next online seminar. 

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NOMATEN ONLINE SEMINAR: Materials  sintering  and  consolidation  methods

01 April 2021

On April 6th at 1PM GMT+1 NOMATEN will host an online seminar on the methods of materials sintering and consolidation. The speaker is Marcin Chmielewski PhD DSc from the Warsaw University of Technology.

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17 March 2021

Thomas Schwarz-Selinger PhD from Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik will be our next guest as a speaker in the NOMATEN's online seminar on March 23 at 1PM GMT+1

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NOMATEN Seminar on MAR 9 2021: Multiscale constitutive modeling of irradiation effect on mechanical properties of metals

02 March 2021

Aneta Ustrzycka PhD ( Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Science (PAN)) will be a speaker at NOMATEN Seminar on Tuesday March 9th 2021 at 01:00PM GMT+1 (13:00 CET).

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1st CEA Webinar at NOMATEN: Multiscale approach to predict the mechanical properties of nuclear materials - application to irradiation effects

25 February 2021

On March 10th at 11:00PM T. Jourdan, L. Dupuy and L. Gélébart from CEA will be speakers in the 1st CEA's Webinar at NOMATEN

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Witold Chromiński PhD joins NOMATEN

24 February 2021

Witold Chromiński PhD will support Structure and Function research group led by prof. Łukasz Kurpaska. Witold Chromiński received his PhD at Faculty of Materials Science Warsaw University of Technology. 

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NOMATEN On-line Seminar: Learning Atomic Interactions from Microscopic Observables [FEB 23 at 1PM]

17 February 2021

Albert Bartok-Partay PhD from Warwick University will be a speaker at our next webinar. The lecture and discussion will be devoted to the topic of using microscopy in order to learn atomic interactions.

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