NOMATEN - blog

NOMATEN CoE meeting at CEA, November 22 - 24, 2017

06 December 2017

A three-day meeting of the NOMATEN Centre of Excellence team members took place at the CEA center in Saclay, France on November 22 - 24, 2017 (read more)

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01.12.2017 - NOMATEN CoE at the VINCO technical meeting

05 December 2017

The NOMATEN CoE poster was presented during the technical meeting of the VINCO (Visegrad Initiative for Nuclear Cooperation) project during the 9th International School on Nuclear Power held in Warsaw, November 17, 2017.  (read more)

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The kick-off meeting of the H2020 NOMATEN project

04 December 2017

The kick-off meeting of the H2020 NOMATEN project organised by the Coordinator – National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), took place at the premises of NCBJ, Poland on September 7–8, 2017. (read more)

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