Materials Informatics: a game-changing open source software by NOMATEN
The Materials Informatics software has been developed at NCBJ and the NOMATEN Centre of Excellence, in the group of Materials Structure, Informatics and Function, under the leadership of professor Stefanos Papanikolaou.
Materials Informatics is a Python-based package that combines various statistical analysis, dimensional reduction and machine learning tools, towards providing direct, easy-to-use, black-box solutions for materials informatics applications, especially the ones that emerge when imaging data is concerned, especially in relation to electron microscopy in materials science.
These tools are fine-tuned to work with popular scanning and tunneling electron microscopes, and with an accessible support by researchers working with the software. Through using the available tutorials, users are accustomed to making progress in data curation, interpretation and modeling - outlined prof. Stefanos Papanikolaou, Materials Informatics Structure and Function (MASIF) research group leader at NOMATEN.
The software is open-source, available on github, and it can be very easily installed through PyPi, a straight-forward tool in Python, and it is available here: Finally, a webpage is maintained towards gathering interest from the world community on the NCBJ-centered work: